Paul Boehringer

I'm a software engineer and data scientist who is very interested in blockchain / web3, robotics, finance, economics, manufacturing, and kiteboarding.

Recently, I've been dedicating time to learn about the architectures of various blockchains. Currently, my favorite projects in this space are Chainlink and Kadena. Chainlink is particularly fascinating due to its aim of creating an "internet of contracts" accessible worldwide. While Chainlink is not a blockchain itself, it is a system which can be integrated with any blockchain, facilitating easy interoperability. Initially, this will significantly benefit regions lacking robust financial infrastructure. However, it has the potential to aid everyone, thanks to the concept of easily executable, trustless transactions. Kadena offers different advantages, primarily as a decentralized proof-of-work chain. It boasts high security, low transaction costs, and an easily accessible smart contract language named Pact.

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Current Motivation

I'm interested in data centric applications and in building real time reactive systems. Whether its in a manufacturing factory setting, a toy, or a financial trading system. I like building things that act in real time.

swerve Stanford - CS 230 - Deep Learning Project Presentation
project writeup

A model to make predictions of asset prices using parallel LSTMs to predict on varying intervaled data.

financial_network_cascades Financial Network Research Project Poster

An analysis on the structure of financial obligations in a network and its effect on insolvency cascades.

thesis_thumbnail Penn State Thesis

This paper investigates the potential of insider trading as a price indicator for US equities by testing if the performance of various machine learning models for predicting returns is affected by the addition of insiders buying, selling, or both.

booze_allen_psu_capstone Booze Allen Hamilton - Penn State - Capstone Project Poster

An internet browser plugin to help against misleading information

swerve Custom 2 Speed Swerve Protype In Operation
module close up / drivetrain top view

A four wheeled drive train where each wheel is independently driven and steered. Designed as a prototype drive platform for FIRST Robotics.